Te Kahui Whetu runs programmes for students with disabilities and learning difficulties that meet their personal needs.It is a dynamic, integrated, and inclusive learning space that provides for ORRS funded students at Tokoroa High School.

IEP (Individual Education Plan) meetings are held twice a year. They are compiled by the classroom teacher in consultation with parents/caregivers, therapists and other professional services which may include psychologists, speech language therapists, occupational therapists and physio therapists.

Our learning space provides toilet, bathroom, and laundry facilities as well as a fully functional kitchen.

Parents and Taxis can drive up to the door to drop the students safely. Our students are also able to apply for a taxi or conveyance allowance to get to and from school.

We have full wheelchair access into the unit including a ramp which leads to our shaded picnic area and swing.

The Te Kahui Whetu sensory room provides a quiet and soothing calm space for our students with an exciting assortment of light displays, textiles, and music.

Mainstream Options classes which may include Cooking, Art, Woodwork, Financial Literacy, Music depending on class numbers and teacher availability. (Students are always accompanied by a teacher aide)

Education Outside the Classroom

We strive to provide a variety of integrated learning experiences throughout the school year.

Activities include:

  • Day visits to the year 9 STARS Camp
  • Swimming lessons at the South Waikato Indoor Pools.
  • Visits to The Town Library.
  • Visits to the Lake.
  • Out of town excursions.
Contact Us

Teacher: Jo Ngatipa
Phone: 078866109 extn 708

SENCO:Jo Ngatipa 
Ph 07 886 6109 Ext 708 
Phone Mobile: 021 736750